Who knew the joys of a Jaffa cake’🍊could be so educational! And who knew this advert came out 22 years ago!😳👵🏻🤣
We are currently in the half a Jaffa cake phase of the moon cycle at a half moon (first quarter, confusing much🙃) 🌗with mumma moon’ light expanding and growing a little more every day until we reach full on 19th November (oh and it’s a lunar eclipse, more on that soon🤓)
If you made any doodles or set any intentions ✍🏼with last week’ new moon, now is a great time to start taking those first steps towards what you are dreaming of. Do the thing, find out how to do the thing and water the thing💦Whatever it may be that could bring you closer to your doodles, harness the growing light in the sky to super charge and expand your dreams ✨And if you didn’t last week, now is also a great time to do all of the above ☺️
With a new and full moon every month, you get the chance to reflect, readdress, refocus, redirect as well as celebrate, release and retreat, phew! Working with the moon has welcomed some much needed structure into my life (yes 2020, you were a ride!🎢) given me focus, and the all important flow I so longed for when I was on the 9-5 corporate train🚂
If you need some direction 🧭or simply some constant reliability in your life, pop the upcoming moon dates 📆in your diary and know that you can always be supported and guided simply by lifting your head and gazing up at the sky ✨💞✨
Dates for your diary 🤓
Full Moon lunar eclipse in Taurus 19th Nov
New Moon in Sagittarius 4th Dec
Full Moon in Cancer 19th Dec
New Moon in Capricorn 2nd Jan
One of my favourite bookmarked sites🔖for the daily moon, yep, it moves through a different zodiac sign every few days 🤓is
And some fabby daily moon nudges here on the gram over @moonomens
Video Credit @youtube CultofJaffa
Stay tuned for more moon chatter 🤓🌙🌒or pop me a DM with your moon ponderment!
Moon Curious? Pop me an email or DM on Instagram.
gabi@nailtan.co.uk | Instagram @nailtanuk